Sunday, April 22, 2012

The sad tale of brecciated mookaite and whiplash.

Here is a sad tale of woe and painful injury. It is one of stupidity and regret, oh, and thankfulness that I didn't actually take my eye out.


You'll notice that I've made the photographs small so that you won't be too shocked by the horror of it all.

This is what happens when the chain you are buffing gets wrapped around the mandrel of the rotary hand piece you are using and whiplashes your fingers - multiple times until your super human reflexes kick in and you take your foot off the power peddle thing. 

(You'll have to excuse the slowness of my typing at the moment, but the e's are very painful).

I had to sit down on the chair for a moment after this happened and say, ouchy, a few times before i realised that i didn't actually want to look at my finger just in case it was too frightful for me to cope with. It hurt that much that I had to shut out visions that my fingernail had been ripped off and flung across the room but that it would be such a bloody mess that I wouldn't immediately notice. Bitter sweet really.

As you can see that hadn't happened, but, it was still really, really painful and I had to come inside the house to put ice on it. N made me a cup of tea for the shock (a well known cure in England). It's still throbbing four hours later. 

Thing is, I wasn't paying attention and it could have been a lot worse, meaning the eye out thing. So, all you people out there, this might not look too bad to you, even though it still really, really hurts, but remember, if you use big girl tools you have to use your big girl brains ... nuff said.

And here is the chain I was buffing. Only here it isn't buffed yet.

Apparently this stone is brecciated mookaite. I had never heard of it before. I think I like it. (You can just see the offending chain at the top of the photograph).

I hope I sell this at the art festival on Saturday. It will bring back too many painful memories to keep ...

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